Einstein Simplified
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The last message from a fan was in 2012. Most are using our facebook page now for comments. So message submission has been turned off, but the guestbook remains for your perusal. Enjoy the historical records.

Name: Austin Bowling
City: Lawton, OK
Sent: Thu July 07 2011 09:29 AM

I made it back to Knoxville to watch a show for the first time in a year and a half. It was great to see the support they have and the new digs at Side Splitters. Of course, it was another great show, just the way it was when I left town. Thanks for the improv advice, guys! This weatherman appreciates it!

Name: Paul Simmons
Homepage: http://www.EinsteinSimplified.com
City: Knoxville
Sent: Thu June 23 2011 10:43 PM

Thanks to all the fans who came out to see us on Tuesday and Bad Teacher tonight.

Name: Hammy Havoc
City: Liverpool, United Kingdom
Sent: Fri April 08 2011 05:29 PM

I get a good laugh out of Einstein Simplified. Keep it up, guys!

Name: Paul
Homepage: http://www.EinsteinSimplified.com
City: Knoxville
Sent: Thu March 10 2011 02:28 PM

Thank you Jennifer. The meaning of chair? Let's make this a contest shall we. The first person to email info@einsteinsimplfied.com the URL that has the origin story of chair gets comped for the next show. Let the searching begin!

Name: Jennifer Darby
City: Morristown, TN
Sent: Wed March 09 2011 09:15 PM

Great show last night, you guys! So what's the meaning of chair...?

Name: Paul
Homepage: http://www.EinsteinSimplified.com
City: Knoxville
Sent: Mon February 21 2011 07:53 AM

In case you haven't heard, we are going to be at Side Splitters starting March 8th. Just the two more shows at The Square Room and then off to Side Splitters. Click the link on our main page to get more info and tickets.