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The last message from a fan was in 2012. Most are using our facebook page now for comments. So message submission has been turned off, but the guestbook remains for your perusal. Enjoy the historical records.

Name: Jennifer
Homepage: http://www.youravon.com/jirwin
City: Clinton
Sent: Sat November 13 2004 08:47 PM

Happy Birthday Brad!!!

Name: Paul
Sent: Sat November 13 2004 06:50 PM

Happy Birthday Brad. Next year you need to realize that you don't need to leave the country to celebrate.

Name: Paul
Sent: Sun October 31 2004 08:17 AM

Happy Halloween!

Name: Paul
Sent: Wed October 20 2004 09:08 PM

Happy Birthday Steve. Glad to have you around to celebrate another one.

Name: Jennifer
Homepage: http://www.youravon.com/jirwin
City: Clinton
Sent: Wed October 20 2004 12:57 PM


Name: brian ford aka daves little buddy
City: sevierville tn
Sent: Wed October 20 2004 11:38 AM

to paul: here you go so now send me the stuff man and youl get yours later to steve:the book rocked i could even read the big words with some help. happy birthday if you send me email i will send compromising pics of ex girlfriends.

Name: Steven Denton
Sent: Wed September 29 2004 02:51 AM

Thanks for thinking of us and me Brad. I guess my heart was ready to give out after carrying these idiots on my back all these years.

Name: Brad C. Hodson
Homepage: http://www.happynowhere.net
City: B'ham, AL
Sent: Sat September 25 2004 04:56 PM

I never got to tell you guys... Congrats on the anniversary! That's all.... Brad P.S.- Steve, sorry to hear about your surgery but ver glad that you're doing well.

Name: Steve Denton
Sent: Sun September 12 2004 10:18 AM

Hi everyone, I am at home now after my open heart surgery and am doing well despite the awful pain in my chest. Let me urge everyone, male and female, to get your heart checked regularly, unless you think you would like having your chest ripped open by a bone saw. You say, "But steve we don't smoke so we have so little chance of heart failure, you on the other hand smoked a pack a day ofr twenty odd years." It doesn't matter if you smoke or not you smug not smoking geniuses, but yes smoking is a risk factor. So is family history, if anyone in your family has or had heart trouble you are at risk. You ridet is ahuge risk factor too, stay away from fatty foods and if you think all those vegatarian ready cook meals are good for you, look atthe high ass salt content. Take care.

Name: Paul
Sent: Thu August 26 2004 06:52 AM

This week's memorable line as nominated by superfan Tom. Delivered by Bill during Party Quirks while he was the party host. "What the heck is going on! We've got some sorta model, a whore and a Jerry's kid." This as he tried to guess that Wes, Dave and Paul were, respectively, an Abercrombie and Fitch model, doing a trick (as in prostitute) and boneless. Way to go Bill. You are ineligible for the 8/31 show, but Frank is back after some hydration.

Number of entries: 854

Thank you for reading our guestbook. We hope you enjoyed the historical records.

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