Einstein Simplified
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The last message from a fan was in 2012. Most are using our facebook page now for comments. So message submission has been turned off, but the guestbook remains for your perusal. Enjoy the historical records.

Name: jennifer
Sent: Tue August 06 2002 05:41 PM

happy birthday paul!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Name: Bruno Fassbnider
City: Swiss Alps and Magonlia Ave
Sent: Tue August 06 2002 08:29 AM

Allo my little Eclairs i see mein comedy friends have new eclairs. Delicious!!! I understand that Justin is Canadien how tasty i love tarts from the Great North.

Name: Kim
City: Maryville
Sent: Mon July 29 2002 04:48 PM

Nice pics and bios, new guys. Really enjoyed reading them. : )

Name: Paul
Sent: Sun July 28 2002 05:25 AM

Thanks everybody, we took number one this week.

Name: Paul
Sent: Sat July 27 2002 07:46 AM

We're back up to number one.

Name: Wes
Sent: Fri July 26 2002 11:41 AM

We slipped to number 3! Whoo-boo. :wes

Name: Wes
Sent: Fri July 26 2002 06:16 AM

We're leadin' the Top 50! Whoo-hoo!! :wes

Name: Einstein Simplified
Homepage: http://www.EinsteinSimplified.com
City: Knoxville, TN
Sent: Tue July 23 2002 11:58 AM

All is great and wonderful with the 'Steiners. Thank you so much for asking. See you tonight.

Sent: Fri July 19 2002 09:10 AM

Hope all is well with the Einsteiners.

Name: Jennifer H.
Sent: Tue July 16 2002 10:57 AM

Hey, I just browsed through the messages and realized there's another Jennifer on here. That wasn't me, hence the initial now to set myself apart. See you all tonight!

Number of entries: 854

Thank you for reading our guestbook. We hope you enjoyed the historical records.

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